A selection of online hangouts

Visual Arts

  1. Gilles Larrain -- My NY cousin and mainly the constant reminder of how to avoid being an empty suit

  1. Eliane Marchesi - My mom’s is taking her groupie habbits to the next level with her filmed gigs

  1. Molokostar --  The always elusive Eglantine, aka Bonne Fée Marraine, and her brilliant sober and

                        not-so-sober works

  1. Osez l’Art -- Constance Caillaud is a gallery near La Rochelle and is representing me there. Visit her

                     website to check out the hot new artists she has in store!


  1. Violette - Talented, gorgeous and overtly kind... What’s not to love about her?

  1. Lapin Machin - The best ‘joyeux bordel’ music act around!

  1. Schrödinger - The experimental male-spinoff of the Lapin Machin

  1. elePhant - the pop-rock band of my school friend drummer Jérôme. He was already incredibly talented back then and it’s only natural he found equally gifted band-mates.

  1. Myrha - the garage band of my fellow bassist friend Mac, to whom I’ll be forever grateful this one time he lent me  his bigass amp. Thanks again ;)

Other places

  1. Le Blog de Béatrice Knoepfler, aka Béatruce -- Le blog du livre Le Calendrier de Votre Grossesse

  2. I Was The Golden Girl -- the blog of my dearest fashionista friend, Suzzers!

  3. L’avis de Vivi -- Mamie Vivi a toujours quelque chose à dire !

  1. Clawdey on:


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